Leading and developing students and young leaders in your church or ministry? Seeking to engage different generations more effectively? Working to raise godly children? Check out these faith-filled topics!
Thank you so much for coming to share with us. My husband and I have walked away from your conference feeling reconnected with other parents with a common purpose in raising our children in this age. Thank you for being obedient to what God has called you to do, we are so thankful! --Jessica O. |
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Popular Programs
Discipleship in a Post-Christian Context: Helping the Next Generation Grow Strong Faith
Key Audience Takeaways
Program DescriptionOnly 4% of young people today have a biblical worldview. As youth are increasingly exposed to post-Christian values and worldviews, our discipleship and teaching must engage students with creative, intentional, and relational strategies. This session presents practical approaches for equipping Gen Z (b. 1996-2010) and Gen Alpha (b. 2011-) to thrive in their faith in a post-Christian culture.
The Coach Approach: How to Maximize Growth in the Next Generation
Key Audience Takeaways |
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Respect and trust today are not earned through titles, positions, or experience, but rather thru relationship. Young people need guidance and direction but engage best when leaders and mentors come alongside them as a coach. In this session, we will consider and practice key coaching strategies that build trust, improve communication, and facilitate growth in team members.
Innovation and Design Thinking in Leadership: Identifying Strategies that Produce Results
Key Audience Takeaways
Program DescriptionLeaders today are navigating unprecedented rates of change and increasing complexity. Tried and true methods are often failing to produce the results they once did. This session looks at a process-oriented, collaborative approach to supporting greater innovation in teams and organizations, and presents practical strategies for cultivating a culture of innovation and producing effective results.
Understanding Gen Z and Gen Alpha: Practical Approaches to Effectively Engaging the Next Generation
Key Audience Takeaways
Program DescriptionDespite an increase in anxiety, loneliness, and uncertainty in many young people today, Gen Z (b. 1996-2010) and Gen Alpha (b. 2011-) are often incredibly creative, pragmatic, and openminded. This session provides a deeper understanding of today’s youngest generations and their learning styles, perspectives on the world, and unique skills.
Leading & Succeeding on Multigenerational Teams: Strategies that Work
Key Audience Takeaways |
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With up to five generations serving together in teams today, differences can create challenges, but also provide opportunities. This session discusses key areas where misunderstanding can arise, as well as strategies to help age diverse teams appreciate differences, maximize strengths, and enjoy serving together
Tech-Smart Parenting: Raising Godly Kids in a Digital World
Key Audience Takeaways
Program DescriptionHow much screen time is too much? How can we equip our children and youth to thrive in a world of changing moral values? Parenting today presents many unique challenges. In this seminar, we will discuss key principles, tools, and strategies for creating a family culture that encourages healthy technology use, strong family relationships, and resilient faith so our kids can pursue God’s purpose for their lives.
Understanding Generational Traits & Trends: The Silent Generation to Gen Alpha
Key Audience Takeaways
Program DescriptionParenting, education, technology and culture, as well as significant events, impact each generation in unique ways. This session looks at the powerful influences that contribute to each generation’s expectations and considers generational differences related to values, communication, and relationships, with insights on the God-given strengths of each as we work together.
Team Building Across Generations: Developing Trust to Appreciate Diverse Strengths
Key Audience Takeaways
Program DescriptionHave you ever enjoyed the work you were doing, but sensed tension in the relationships or team dynamics around you? This session focuses on essential steps to building trust across generations and maximizing the strengths of your team. Key strategies are considered for creating a team that is not only productive but enjoys working together!
What People are saying...
I attended your seminar. God really used you in my prayers for wisdom on the changes I see in my young adult son when he is immersed in his screen. After your presentation, he agreed to completely step away so we could assess before and after behaviors. Thanks so much for all of the research, time and awareness on this." --Taylor P.
Jolene Erlacher brings a unique perspective to the discussion of generational characteristics. She approaches each generation as a missionary approaches a new culture. This lead to practical applications for how to communicate better and work together more effectively. Our church leaders were very challenged and inspired by our time with Jolene."
--Steve Scoffone, Pastor of Global Outreach
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