Daniel Generation Video Series
Perfect for small groups, leadership development, or personal enrichment.
The six short training videos (~10 minutes each) in this series highlight important topics from the book, Daniel Generation: Godly Leadership in an Ungodly Culture, and are intended to be viewed in conjunction with reading the book. They can be used in a variety of ways. The videos can be viewed and discussed one or two at a time over a period of 3-6 weeks in small groups or team meetings. For remote teams, links for the videos can be sent out and questions discussed in an online forum. They can also be used for personal enrichment. Teams could read the book and then view the full hour of content as a concluding activity, followed by an extended period of discussion. The videos are accompanied by a leader discussion guide that provides questions for facilitating conversation after reading the chapters and viewing the videos.
The following shows the book chapters that each video covers:
Video 1 (chapters 1-3)
Video 2 (chapters 4-6)
Video 3 (chapters 7-9)
Video 4 (chapters 10-11)
Video 5 (chapters 12-14)
Video 6 (chapters 15-17)